
Can I directly switch namespace when using SkyServe on a k8s cluster?

I served up a LLM service in online namespace and now I need to serve up another service in offline namespace. When I try to switch namespaces using kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=offline and then run sky serve up, I encounter the error sky.exceptions.ClusterOwnerIdentityMismatchError. How can I solve this issue? Does SkyServe support switching namespaces directly?


Ping Zhang

Asked on Mar 26, 2024

  • Switching namespaces directly when using SkyServe on a Kubernetes (k8s) cluster is not currently supported.
  • The general mechanism for managing namespaces in Kubernetes involves manipulating the current-context in the kubeconfig file or using kubectl commands to change the active namespace for command-line operations.
  • For serving models or applications with SkyPilot on Kubernetes, including namespace management, it is advisable to consult the official SkyPilot documentation or reach out to the SkyPilot development team for the most current guidance.
  • The capability to switch contexts for SkyServe on k8s is planned to be enabled in the near future.
Mar 26, 2024Edited by